Executive Coaching & Consulting

Generational Theory

The generational theory, a seminal work in sociology by Karl Mannheim, articulates that the collective experiences of a generation in the formative years positions the cohort as a force for social change. According to Mannheim, there is a social rejuvenation with each new generation that responds to the status quo and social norms of the previous generations. The social exposure and life experiences of a generation shapes their value systems and the intricacies of logic in the decision-making process.
In a germinal work, Ryder (1965) stated that birth cohorts provide an opportunity for societal transformation. Through the uniqueness of the generational lens, each cohort approaches all aspects of the workplace differently. Ertas (2015) shared, “The era in which a person was born and the significant events that take place as they come of age affect their worldview, as well as, their values and attitudes toward work” (p. 403).
Let's take a look at the formative years of each of the generations in today's workplace... Let's look at the generational chart!
Hedgspeth, S. (2019). Millennials: Understanding the challenges to transferring tacit knowledge, Northcentral University. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing. https://search.proquest.com/openview/1cc22496a2abbd94e5102761eb5a9425/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=18750&diss=y